Powerful promotions and loyalty, built on MACH principles

Talon.One has been a member of the MACH Alliance since 2021, joining a growing group dedicated to making future-proof, modular software.

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Key principles of the MACH Alliance

What is the MACH Alliance?

The MACH Alliance is an industry body that advocates for open and best-of-breed technology ecosystems. Together, we're shaping the future of enterprise technology and empowering businesses to transition from legacy infrastructure to a composable approach.

The MACH name comes from its goal to promote tools that are Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native and Headless. Talon.One was built on these principles from the get-go, and was the first incentives platform to join the Alliance in 2021.

MACH values Talon.One

Learn more about MACH principles

MACH vs Monolith architecture


Multi-channel, multi-brand, and omniretail capabilities

Ease multi-channel configuration with API-first and headless services, and offer consistent CX.

Increased security

Attack opportunities are distributed across services, with smoother and often automatic security updates.

Added complexity

MACH involves managing multiple services and APIs, and can be more complex than monolith architecture.

Better talent opportunities

Makes hiring easier thanks to ubiquitous tech - no need to find trained talent for specific platforms.

Development & customization capabilities

Reduces time-to-value and enables business to focus on development, not updates or infrastructure.

Data consistency

Gain consistent data and functionality across channels, and a full view of the customer journey.

Simplicity and ease-of-use

Monolith architecture can be simpler than MACH, as all components are contained within a single codebase.

Hear from the experts


Orium's Becky Parisotto covers how MACH architecture is key for brands looking to stay competitive, and why MACH's composable approach helps manage costs and ensures you only pay for what you need.


We caught up with Christopher Holley, Global Director, ISV Partnerships to talk about all things MACH architecture, where the future of MACH is headed next, and Talon.One’s partnership with commercetools.

Apply Digital

Danielle Salley is Director of Strategic Partnerships at Apply Digital. She talks about the value of going composable and the role of the MACH Alliance in pushing the movement forward.


"The ability to pick our strategic partners and buy best-of-breed microservices is a real benefit of MACH architecture for us."


David Edwards

Head of Architecture of River Island


"Talon.One is a great example of a MACH Alliance member that’s helping companies get the most out of commercetools and building unique customer experiences. "


Dirk Hoerig

Founder & CEO of commercetools

MACH alliance

"Talon.One’s technology, references, and roadmap meet all the criteria for a future-proofed tech stack, in line with the MACH Alliance’s core values. "


Kelly Goetsch

President of MACH Alliance


"The ability to pick our strategic partners and buy best-of-breed microservices is a real benefit of MACH architecture for us."


David Edwards

Head of Architecture of River Island


"Talon.One is a great example of a MACH Alliance member that’s helping companies get the most out of commercetools and building unique customer experiences. "


Dirk Hoerig

Founder & CEO of commercetools

MACH alliance

"Talon.One’s technology, references, and roadmap meet all the criteria for a future-proofed tech stack, in line with the MACH Alliance’s core values. "


Kelly Goetsch

President of MACH Alliance

Need to build more engaging incentive programs?

Benefit from Talon.One's experience and MACH principles

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